VK Sound, Inc. is the one-person sound crew run by Ian Van Keuren here in the Bay Area since 2018.
For the past 6 years, we've been working in the Bay as a sound mixer or boom operator on productions of all shapes and sizes. VK Sound, Inc. owns and operates all of the equipment we bring to set, trusting in only the best from Sennheiser, Sound Devices, Lectrosonics, Denecke, Comtek and many more.
Ultimately each project is about the performance, and at VK Sound, Inc. our goal is to facilitate, and record, the best possible take on each and every project. Our passion is film and we love nothing more than to collaborate with creative types who take pride in their work. Thank you for your time and we hope to hear from you soon.
Feel free to reach out for a quote for your next project
(707) 338 - 9734 I ian@vksound.co I @vksoundco